Digital Asset Management
Easy and intuitive: six steps to implementing DAM software
For brilliant-but-busy agencies, effective digital asset management can save money, time, and stress. Imagine all of your images, videos, and artwork ...
June 01, 2023
8 essential tips for a successful business rebranding
If you're thinking about rebranding your business, you need to understand exactly why and how to do it. From redesigning your brand's logo to repositioning ...
March 23, 2023
Multichannel Publishing
Why creative agencies MUST embrace AI and automation
How ‘intelligent creativity’ gives agencies the competitive edge in the AI era
January 26, 2023
Multichannel Publishing
What is annual report publishing software?
Hint: your key to fast and accurate annual report publication
April 11, 2022
Magazine Publishing
AI-powered image optimization for publishers
Boosting quality and click-through-rate just got easier for publishers using DAM
October 05, 2021
Magazine Publishing
File management: setting up a folder structure in 5 steps
Your deadline is approaching, but you need to find that one file to finish your presentation. A bit of quick file management and that's it! Or not? It should ...
June 17, 2021
Digital Asset Management
6 essential features of headless DAM software
Headless DAM is essential for any organization that processes and publishes huge volumes of assets, such as e-retailers, marketers, and publishers.
February 16, 2021
Digital Asset Management
Introducing headless DAM: at-scale asset management for marketeers, publishers and e-commerce
Wherever customers expect engaging media-rich experiences, headless DAM should be an integral part of the software stack.
February 02, 2021
Multichannel Publishing
Digital Asset Management
Guide to project management software for creative agencies
Effective project management is the cornerstone of profitability. For creative agencies, time IS money, so it’s essential that processes and performance are ...
January 12, 2021
Multichannel Publishing
How agency Altavia Unite is orchestrating content for Rabobank
Altavia Unite is part of the Altavia Group, an independent international group specializing in content creation and communication, particularly for retail, ...
December 08, 2020
Digital Asset Management
Five ways your agency can survive and thrive with DAM
Whether you’re an ambitious agency going for growth - or simply seeking innovative ways to increase efficiency, protect your margins, and boost your brand ...
November 18, 2020
Digital Asset Management
Four reasons DAM should be the cornerstone of your agency's CX strategy
In a competitive agency landscape, having a customer satisfaction strategy can greatly increase your chances of success.
November 17, 2020