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Application integration as the key to success

Written by Wim Vis | Dec 6, 2024 10:27:51 AM

Why application integration is essential

Many companies rely on a variety of software packages and tools in their operations, but have paid too little attention to the interoperability of these systems: can they actually communicate effectively with each other? Inadequate attention to application integration plays into the formation of data silos, manual (thus slow) processes and inefficiencies – key aspects that inhibit organizational growth and innovation.

Application integration is about deep collaboration between systems, processes and data so that they communicate with each other seamlessly and create value together. This makes organizations more agile, reduces (the risk of) errors and enables them to respond more quickly to market dynamics. We previously concluded that systems integration is a crucial business enabler; it is not substantially different for application integration.

The benefits of application integration

  1. Increased efficiency
    Application integration counters the formation of data silos and minimizes the need for manual data entry. For example, consider a sales team having real-time visibility into all correspondence with a customer, across all channels – a centralized document management or EIM system is ideal for providing this insight. Decisions can be made faster and the error rate decreases, saving you time and resources.
  2. Improved compliance
    With well-integrated systems, you can meet compliance requirements automatically. By automating processes and documenting them consistently, you minimize risks of errors and fines. A centralized EIM system, for example, offers the opportunity to organize and manage your retention policies centrally. Especially in industries with strict regulations, such as healthcare and financial services, tight compliance is a big deal.
  3. Better customer experience
    Customers expect a smooth experience. Application integration allows you to get a complete view of the buyer journey. Think of a customer service department with one-click access to purchase history, pending orders, support tickets and correspondence - all thanks to tightly linked applications within an overarching EIM system.
  4. Flexibility and scalability
    An integrated system is agile and can easily grow with your business. Whether you're adding new tools, entering markets or expanding your product offer, application integration ensures your tech stack remains flexible.
  5. Cost savings
    Although application integration initially requires investment, it delivers significant cost savings. Through automation and better collaboration, you reduce both operational and IT-related costs. In addition, you solve inefficiencies.

Steps for smooth application integration

The transition to an integrated technology stack does require a strategic approach. Such an approach could look like this:

  • Step 1: analyze your current IT landscape
    Identify which systems do not work well together and where the biggest inefficiencies lie. Solicit input from employees to understand bottlenecks from real-world experience.
  • Step 2: set clear goals
    What business goals do you want to achieve with application integration? Better customer experience? Faster processes? Lower costs? Whatever it is, clear goals will help you prioritize and measure success.
  • Step 3: Choose technology that supports application integration
    There are quite a few tools and platforms available that enable application integration. API-driven platforms and cloud-based solutions are often ideal because they integrate easily with existing systems.
  • Step 4: Engage and train employees
    The power of smooth integration is not only in technology, but also in the people who work with it. Make sure your employees understand how the changes will help them and offer training where necessary.
  • Step 5: Monitor and improve
    Application integration is an ongoing process. Track performance and gather feedback to enable ongoing system optimizations.

Is your company ready for application integration?

The benefits of connected systems are clear: higher efficiency, better compliance, and a superior customer experience. However, the real added value is in the synergy created when your systems work together like a well-oiled machine.

To adequately manage the various information flows within an organization, Enterprise Information Management, integration options are necessary to extend the functionality of the system as needed. WoodWing Xtendis ' EIM system provides and facilitates that integration flexibility.

Conclusion: application integration as a strategic advantage

Even more than a technology upgrade, application integration is a strategic choice that helps companies stay competitive and future-proof. By investing in technology that seamlessly integrates systems and applications, you increase efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, and save costs.

By focusing on application integration, you can transition from "partial solutions" to complete solutions that benefit entire ecosystems (including integrations). The question is no longer whether to embrace application integration, but when to embrace it!