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How to use AI in your organization: the necessity of AI governance (and an AI Handbook)

Written by Tom Pijsel | Jun 10, 2024 8:59:00 AM

Answers to the above questions can be found in the new Scienta AI handbook, part of the WoodWing Scienta online platform for collaborative knowledge management for organizations. The handbook is designed with small and medium-sized enterprises in mind, although organizations of all sizes and types may find it useful. Simple to use 'as is' or to adapt to your specific needs, the handbook is easy for everybody to consult and understand. As it focuses on AI governance, it helps you take (back) control and manage risk at the right levels – and optimize the benefits of AI.

So, what’s in the AI handbook and how can it bring you business advantage? Read on to find out!

What do you really need to know about AI?

A major problem today with AI is information, specifically the enormous amount of it. The web already offers huge quantities of AI articles, blogs, and software. It’s an information glut and it’s growing exponentially, fueled partly by AI itself as it generates limitless quantities of text, images, videos, and computer code, about AI and everything else under the sun. Paradoxically, there's not enough of a different type of information – information which many organizations are desperately after. This 'other' information is the practical assistance necessary to align as a business and get the pros of AI without the cons – the AI governance organizations are or will soon be looking for.

In short, it’s a challenge today for organizations to make good use of artificial intelligence. Disorganized, isolated projects in backrooms and 'under the radar' can put enterprises at risk in multiple ways. So can casual use of public AI platforms at work. If AI is used without considering its value to the business or how to integrate it into overall organizational activities, it quickly becomes a drain on resources with no other return than a big compliance headache. Yet, because much of AI is now so easy to access and use, often giving initially impressive results, users may not realize that customers could be upset, copyright infringed, or confidential information exposed on the internet for anyone to see.

Can you have the best of both worlds?

You want your organization to use AI for the best business benefit. But you also want everybody in your organization to understand how to use AI properly, apply AI governance by implementing simple, effective policies for the use of AI, and stay up-to-date in both aspects.

Does that sound like a tall order? Let’s break it down to see how we can tackle it. Here’s what executive teams might ask themselves about the correct, responsible use of AI:

  • Value: Which specific benefits or advantages can AI bring to our organization, whether internally or externally?
  • Legal: What are we allowed to do with AI, what are we not allowed to do with it, and which regulations do we need to comply with?
  • Ethical: How do we avoid bias and discrimination when using AI, and how do we show customers and employees that we use AI in a fair and responsible way?
  • Governance: Even before we start AI projects, how do we ensure that we make the right decisions and determine suitable policies about the use of AI, and who is responsible for what part in the decision-making process?
  • Alignment: How do we correctly align AI use with other processes and systems in our organizations, instead of just hoping that everything will be OK?
  • Communication: What do we tell employees about AI and how to use it in a responsible manner, and is there a quick way to provide the right information that will also be easy for them to apply?

WoodWing Scienta's AI Handbook is the answer

Scienta's online AI handbook addresses all the questions above, and more. For example, it covers each of the areas mentioned: AI business value, legal compliance, ethical guidelines, AI governance, internal alignment, and communication. It also offers content on topics like AI security, AI risk management and assessment, change management, and auditing. The handbook is designed to be non-technical and accessible to all, and relevant for both business/non-technical and technical users.

You get access to the AI handbook via the WoodWing Scienta platform. In Scienta, simply click the section of interest in the AI handbook menu, pick the specific topic you want, and get the information. Check out the examples and use cases in the handbook to see how to apply different concepts. Use the guidelines to check that you're getting suitable results. If you're already using Scienta's online ISO 9001 handbook for quality management, you’ll know exactly how this works.

Updates to the AI handbook are covered as well. The handbook content is text-based with items like online forms for users to ask their own questions, all of which you can revise and further develop directly in the Scienta platform. Scienta also provides updates to the handbook as the artificial intelligence landscape evolves. Thus, you can keep up with AI developments in your customized version of the handbook, while keeping it aligned with the goals, policies, and culture of your own organization.

What can you do with the AI Handbook?

Like AI itself, the only limitation to using the AI handbook is your imagination. For starters, if you're still deciding on which AI direction to take for your organization, you can easily start using it 'as is' for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Understanding AI capabilities: Help your executive team, administrators, and employees to understand the possibilities and limitations of AI, and how to apply those in different business areas
  • Implementation strategies: Use AI governance in the shape of handbook checklists and step-by-step guidelines for deploying AI technologies, AI projects, and organizational change management
  • Ethics and compliance: Understand and apply AI governance frameworks for appropriate use of AI, current regulations, and ensuring data privacy and protection
  • AI skills development: With soft skills as important in AI use as technical know-how, use the handbook to identify your organizational training needs
  • Case studies and best practices: See what works (and what doesn't) in the real world with the AI handbook’s case studies and best practices
  • Risk management: Assess and manage the risks of AI, including (deliberate or unintentional) misuse, security breaches, and bias in data and algorithms
  • Innovation: Get the advantage of practical guidelines on identifying value from AI to your organization for the creation of new products, services, and business models

Want to know more?

It's easy – everyone wants to know more about AI, how to work with AI, and run their business in a better way with AI. And that makes sense. But there is more to it than just finding some tools and activating them. You need guidance to be able to really benefit from using AI – you need a solid foundation before you start building your AI stack.

Do you want to know more about AI governance? Develop an AI governance framework for your organization? Scienta's AI handbook offers a universal, collaborative source of information that you can easily deploy, use, adapt, and update. Find out more.